Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Funny Story

I love funny nursing stories.  Throughout the day my fellow nurses and myself always exchange hysterical stories.  I feel like when your a nurse your never at a loss for an embarrassing moment or two.  We are constantly rushing so we are bound to fall or do something to make everyone around us laugh.  Yesterday I was really excited because I just got these few new pairs of amazing nursing scrubs.  They fit great and I was excited to wear them (not to mention one of my patients that would be on my floor for a few weeks was super SUPER cute).  Anyway, I pranced into work feeling all confident in my designer scrubs and in a true me type of way, I tripped over a wheel of a cart that was stationed along the wall of the hallways and I fell right on my face!  This woman who was wearing a visitor pass ran to my side and helped me up.  I thanked her and went on my way.  A few minutes later while doing rounds I very excitedly went into the room of the SUPER cute patient and sitting beside his bed was the woman who helped me up! And she goes, "Oh, this is the nurse I was just telling you about who fell on her face this morning!"  It wasn't all bad because she ended up being his sister and I had some material to talk to him about that didn't involve his urine...

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